
Pretty much anything that is considered “miscellaneous” is anything that isn’t a book review or a discussion. Which could be quite a few different things, but for the sake of the appearance of the header area, I decided to just make a drop-down menu. So, yeah, feel free to peruse!

Top Ten Tuesday: TTT is a weekly meme/post originally held by The Broke and the Bookish, and then was recently moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January 2018. It’s usually just a bookish prompt for you to make a list of things about that prompt!

Top Five WednesdayT5W is another weekly meme/post hosted by Sam over at Thoughts on Tomes on YouTube. Like TTT, there are weekly prompts that you can reply to and have fun with. There’s also a Goodreads group, where all the prompts are for each month!

Monthly TBRsI’ll be giving monthly lists of books I want to read during a particular month. Whether or not I actually get to those books…well, that’s a different story.

Monthly Wrap-Ups: In these posts, I just give a brief overview of the books that I read in a particular month, along with links to the reviews for those books.

ListsThese are pretty much what they sound like — lists. For example, “Top 5 Books Read in 2017” or “Top 10 Harry Potter Characters!”; that sort of thing.

Blogger AwardsThis is a space for any blogger award posts that I have due to people nominating me!

Book Tags: These are just fun posts, where I may or may not have been tagged by others to answer certain questions. A lot of them are themed, which is cool!

Just for Funsies: This is where posts will be that are still book related, but don’t fit in with any of the other groups. Or, they may fit into other groups (such as being a book review, for example), but may also be part of a larger thing I’m doing on the blog, like Blogoween and a read-a-thon.

Life/Blog UpdatesThey’re just updates on my life or the blog that may affect things like the number of posts, or possibly exciting things that are happening in my life.